Monsterpalooza 2015
Once a year freaks and gore fanatics alike gather in Burbank, CA for a celebration of all things gruesome. On March 17, the Burbank Marriott was filled to the brim with masks, monsters, and makeup artists from Face Off host Glenn Hetrick to American Horror Story husband and wife duo Eryn Kreuger Mekash and Mike Mekash. While this event was heavily inhabited by professional makeup artists, anyone with a soft spot for horror was welcome.
For many people, the event serves as an excuse to leave their 9 to 5 dreary everyday lives for something a little more exciting. Among the intricate masks and sculptures were some more home-made looking beasts, and costumes that clearly took a lot of hot glue and creativity. Only at Monsterpallooza can you spot a zombie mother and son duo, standing alongside a wagon full of werewolf babies. This is a common sight for regular attendees of the festival, and boy are there regulars! The sound of familiar friends fills the air while attendees reminisce of past years and discuss this year’s turnout.
While the faithful attendees certainly make the event more exciting, it is the dedicated vendors that make the event as spectacular as it. One of the crowd favorites every year is “Girls with Corpses”, which is a magazine that features, well, girls with corpses. On the other side of the showroom is Immortal Masks, which creates disturbing and realistic silicon masks from centaurs to evil clowns. If you’re looking for something a little more home-friendly, James Bonner sells delightfully horrific candles including the busts of Wednesday Addams and Alfred Hitchcock. Any way you slice it, there is something for everyone at Monsterpalooza. While the event has come to an end, keep your creepy eyes peeled for Son of Monsterpalooza in September!